My heart desires to live in a New Society. A society where elected leaders aren't politicians whose primary drive is to advance themselves, where instead they're truly servants of the public who want nothing more than to just be that. A civilization where public discourse is never about politics, but about arriving at a common Truth. A world where when those we choose to speak FOR us speak TO us, they don't tell us what they think we want to hear or what they WANT us to believe, they tell us what they know and believe to be TRUE.
I'm so tired of this world where governmental agencies lie about the Greater Truth, a Truth that is hidden, redacted, and even covered up with lies masquerading as official positions.
In this New World, chemtrails don't cross the skies and NASA certainly doesn't have a web page dedicated to convincing the public they really are just contrails. In this New World, when I vote for a presidential candidate because he says he's for peace and plans to take my country OUT of war, I can count on him to do just that. In this New World, the truth about 9/11 is revealed to all - Who really did it, and why. In this New World, All know the true history of Earth, All know most UFOs are crafts from civilizations outside our own, and All are made aware of their interconnected Oneness.
I long for the end of lies.
I want to leave behind this world where even the best of our leaders lies to us. Where unfathomable secrets are kept from the masses. Where the population at large is sold a reality that doesn't exist to replace the true reality that they are all just cogs in a machine fashioned to pump as much of the world's abundance as possible into the hands of as few as possible.
I'm so tired of this world where governmental agencies lie about the Greater Truth, a Truth that is hidden, redacted, and even covered up with lies masquerading as official positions.
In this New World, chemtrails don't cross the skies and NASA certainly doesn't have a web page dedicated to convincing the public they really are just contrails. In this New World, when I vote for a presidential candidate because he says he's for peace and plans to take my country OUT of war, I can count on him to do just that. In this New World, the truth about 9/11 is revealed to all - Who really did it, and why. In this New World, All know the true history of Earth, All know most UFOs are crafts from civilizations outside our own, and All are made aware of their interconnected Oneness.
I long for the end of lies.
Amen to that, and I'd say that you are a vocal part of that movement edging us towards the New Earth.